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Cradley Church of England Primary School Believe, belong, be happy; every child, every chance, every day

Year 6

A message for Autumn 1

Welcome back! I hope you had a lovely summer and you are ready for your final year at Cradley!


In English, we will focus on the book 'The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas' and War Poetry. During these units, we will learn how we can create different atmospheres in our writing to affect the way a reader feels. We will also learn how to use a range of vocabulary in our poems and use different rhyming patterns to affect how our poems are read. 


In history, we will look at how our local area has affected our history. We will examine the evidence that tells us how long our local area has been populated for. We will then discover how the children of Cradley have been educated throughout history and examine how ragged schools played their part in it. 


See you soon!

Mr Lowe



Top tips for Year 6:

  • hand any phones into the classroom box when you enter school
  • if you are walking home, fill in the permission slip and hand into Mr Lowe or Mrs Bills.
  • come prepared for school - planner, reading book, homework, water bottle
  • complete homework on time
  • dress smartly and always wear correct uniform
  • always tell the truth
  • work hard
  • have fun!



Year 6 Curriculum overview

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