A message from your teachers
Autumn 2
We hope you have all had a lovely Christmas holiday and have enjoyed spending time together as a family. We are looking forward to hearing all about the things the children have been doing when they come back to school on Monday 6th January.
Our daily routine
As the children move through their Reception year, our daily routine and timetable changes to meet their needs.
During Spring 1, the children will continue to have lots of opportunities for indoor and outdoor play and exploration.
We will continue to have daily carpet times for topic/ English, phonics and maths as well as regular adult directed activities linked to this learning.
The children will continue to take part in 'drawing club' each week and we will be encouraging all children to 'have a go' at writing letters and words.
The children have been enjoying their PE lessons and their music and R.E. sessions and we will continue to do these this half term. Please see the overview below for details of what we will be learning.
We will be continuing our handwriting sessions this half term using the kinetic letters program. Children will be learning how to pick up and hold their pencil using a tri-pod grip and will begin to learn how to form some of the letters in the air, in the sand tray and on the white board too.
We are very excited to be starting our 'balance bike' sessions this half term too. An outside agency will be visiting the school every Monday morning and taking the children in small groups to take part in activities in the school hall. These activities will develop the children's balance and co-ordination skills and will work towards them learning to ride a two wheeled bike independently. We are sure the children will love these sessions!
Spring 1 theme - Can you tell me a story?
This half term we will be focussing on traditional tales. We will be listening to the tales and retelling them in different ways. We will use the tales as a basis for our topic work. We will be investigating ...
How do we make bread?
How can we make the sail on the windmill turn?
What topping is best for porridge?
How can we construct a safe chair for baby bear?
There is such a lot to do and learn this half term; we can not wait to get started. Full details of our Spring 1 curriculum can be found below. If you have any questions, please speak to one of the team and we will do our best to help. Please check the class newsletter (sent via ParentMail each Friday) and the class page on class dojo for further information about our learning in class each week. We will keep this updated with lots of photos of the things we are doing in class and reminders about things to come.
Take care everyone.
Mrs Darby, Mrs Price, Mrs Raxton and Ms Coley