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Cradley Church of England Primary School Believe, belong, be happy; every child, every chance, every day


A message from your teachers

Welcome back Reception to the new half term. We  hope that you had a lovely half term holiday and are looking forward to seeing everyone back in school on Monday 3rd June. This half term is our last one together in Reception. The children have learnt so many things and we are so proud of the progress they have made. We have just 7 weeks left together so let's hope they are all fantastic and packed full of fun!


Our daily routine

As the children move through their Reception year, our daily routine and timetable changes to meet their needs.

This half term we will be altering the activities available each morning as the children come in to school. Instead of free-choice play, the children will rotate around a series of practical activities designed to develop target skills. This may include activities such as cutting skills, fastening buttons and zips, playdoh activities, threading activities or pencil control tasks.  

We will continue to offer lots of opportunities for indoor and outdoor play and exploration. We will continue to complete daily adult-directed activities and will be completing these as part of a small group. We will be encouraging the children to complete some of these activities without any adult support. We will continue to have daily phonics, topic and maths carpet sessions and will continue to take part in a daily story time. We will be concentrating on our handwriting and letter formation this half term and will be choosing a 'writer of the day' each day to celebrate someone who is trying hard to form their letters correctly and hold their pencil using the tri-pod grip.

As the weather has now improved, we will be having lots of opportunities to use the balance bikes and scooters outside and will be enjoying our own 'forest school' inspired sessions on a Friday afternoon. 


Summer 2 theme - What animals will we find at the zoo?


We will be launching our new topic with our visit to Dudley zoo on Wednesday. We can not wait for our adventure out together and we are sure that the children will have a brilliant time. After the visit we will thinking about many questions including ...

What is your favourite animal?

Where in the world do these animals come from?

Which animals are extinct?

Which animals make good pets?

Who is responsible for looking after the animals in our world?

How was the zoo different in the past?


There is such a lot to do and learn this half term; we can not wait to get started. Full details of our Summer 2 curriculum can be found below. If you have any questions, please speak to one of the team and we will do our best to help. Please check the class newsletter (sent via ParentMail each Friday) and the class page on class dojo for further information about our learning in class each week. We will keep this updated with lots of photos of the things we are doing in class.


Take care everyone. 


Mrs Darby, Mrs Price and Mrs Raxton. 




Reception Autumn 1 - Medium term plan

Reception Medium Term Plan - Autumn 2

Reception half term plan - Spring 1

Reception half term plan - Spring 2

Reception half term plan - Summer 1

Reception half term plan - Summer 2

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