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Cradley Church of England Primary School Believe, belong, be happy; every child, every chance, every day

Religious Education

RE Skills


RE leader - Mrs Brailsford


At Cradley CE Primary School RE is considered to be a core subject. We seek to provide religious education in accordance with the school aims, giving proper and due attention to the Christian faith whilst also welcoming and affirming the faith, or non-faith, of all other children. 


As well as exploring the Christian faith we also seek to explore other religious traditions.  This is in accordance with the guidance provided by the Diocese of Worcester which says:-


‘It is important in modern Britain that pupils also look at world faiths other than Christianity…All pupils in our Church Schools will be growing up in an increasingly multi-cultural society, and it is the responsibility of all schools to see that they are prepared for this diversity.’


We aim to provide education, including religious education, with Christian values built into our ethos and teaching.  However, we do not attempt to exert any pressure onto children to become worshipping Christians.


Religious Education at Cradley CE Primary School is, as advised by the local diocese, taught in accordance with the current Worcester Agreed Syllabus. Our scheme also incorporates the 'Understanding Christianity' resource. 



For information regarding the right to withdraw your child from RE lessons, please refer to our RE Policy.

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