Dear Parents and Carers,
My name is Mrs Warford and I am proud to be the new Headteacher of Cradley CE Primary School.
Cradley is a successful and happy one form entry VA Primary School in the heart of Cradley. Our unique school has a distinctive Christian ethos and caring atmosphere and visitors to Cradley comment on the ‘family feel’ and the 'community' that exists here. Staff, parents, pupils and governors have a shared set of core values:
respect, trust, caring, courage, perseverance, forgiveness, resilience and belonging
It is these values which make Cradley so special. They underpin everything we do and are at the heart of who we are.
Our experienced and committed teaching staff aim to create a stimulating, exciting and inclusive environment in which to provide high quality learning experiences for all our children.
We value the support of our parents and governors and enjoy working in partnership to ensure that we provide the best possible education for every pupil. Our close relationship with St Peter’s Church and Mother Victoria supports the school as we provide opportunities for pupils to grow both personally and spiritually. Our pupils are encouraged to be responsible, reflective and thoughtful citizens who care about their local community and the wider world.
At Cradley CE we understand that every child is special, with their own unique gifts and talents and our mission statement reflects what we want for every child:
Believe, belong, be happy; every child, every chance, every day
We welcome visitors to school so please come along and see us. We will be proud to show you around our school and we hope that during your visit you will see our values in action and experience a little slice of life at Cradley.
Paper copies of information on this website can be provided upon request, free of charge.