Our chair of governors is Rebecca Burt. She can be contacted by calling the school office on 01384 818230 or emailing info@cradley-p.dudley.sch.uk marking the email ' For The attention on the Chair of Governors'.
Full Governing Body Committee
Current Appointments | Position | Attendance |
Mrs Claire Warford | Head | 3 of 3 |
Mrs Frances Parkes | Clerk |
Mr David Pritchard | Foundation DBE | 3 of 3 |
Ms Patricia Hall | Ex- Officio | 2 of 3 |
Pending appointment | Foundation PCC | 3 of 3 |
Pending appointment | Foundation PCC | 2 of 3 |
Pending appointment | Local Authority | 3 of 3 |
Mrs Rebecca Burt | Parent Governor | 3 of 3 |
Mrs Helen Milanes-Tidmarsh | Parent Governor | 3 of 3 |
Mrs Rebecca Darby | Staff Governor | 3 of 3 |
Staffing and Finance Committee
Current Appointments | Position | Attendance |
Mrs Claire Warford | Head | 4 of 4 |
Mrs Frances Parkes | Clerk |
Mr David Pritchard | Foundation DBE | 4 of 4 |
Pending appointment | Foundation PCC | 3 of 4 |
Pending appointment | Local Authority | 4 of 4 |
Fabric Committee
Current Appointments | Position | Attendance |
Mrs Claire Warford | Head | 2 of 2 |
Mrs Frances Parkes | Clerk |
Mrs Rebecca Burt | Parent Governor | 2 of 2 |
Mrs H Milanes-Tidmarsh | Parent Governor | 2 of 2 |
Foundation Committee
Current Appointments | Position | Attendance |
Mrs Claire Warford | Head | 2 of 2 |
Mrs Frances Parkes | Clerk |
Ms Patricia Hall | Foundation PCC | 2 of 2 |
Pending appointment | Foundation PCC | 2 of 2 |
Pending appointment | Foundation PCC | 2 of 2 |
Governors work on a voluntary basis, i.e, Governors are not paid for their duties. Governors attend training sessions to prepare them for their role. Governing Bodies have many responsibilities and they need to make decisions about how these should be carried out. A large part of the work involved relates to school improvement, so governors specialise in certain topics, such as Literacy, Numeracy, Special Needs, Assessment and Teaching and Learning. It is often necessary to spend more time than we have at the regular Governor meeting to discuss policies, budgets or reports. This work is delegated to committees Governors also regularly spend time in school monitoring elements of the School Improvement Plan.
The committees in place at Cradley CE Primary are:-
Staffing and Finance Committee
This committee make decisions about the school budget and monitors the spending in the school, ensuring that the principles of best practice are applied.
Fabric Committee
This committee is responsible for all matters relating to health and safety; it ensures that the school buildings and grounds are well maintained and that the school site is safe and presents an exciting and accessible learning environment for our children.
Foundation Committee
This committee has a particular responsibility for developing and monitoring the Christian distinctiveness of the school as a Church of England school. Foundation governors are also responsible for ensuring that the terms of the trust deed are upheld.